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X-plane Crj 200 Update

X-Aviation is proud to announce our new video preview of theCRJ-200 for X-Plane. This aircraft is the most detailed CRJ-200 forany flight simulator yet, and will model full systems, have a3D cockpit and cabin, and hundreds of animations!X-Aviation's mission is to bring to the x-plane community the newestand best products for the x-plane flight simulator. X-Plane has seenrapid growth in recent years with many technical advancments and we arebeginning to see more and more high quality products come available.X-Aviation is committed to seeking out and offering high qualityproducts and fostering the growth of this wonderful flight simcommunity.X-Aviation has many new products in development, so we encourage ourcustomers to keep coming back for updates both to previews and thecatalog!

  1. X Plane Crj 200 American
  2. X-plane Crj-200 64-bit Update

X-Plane 11.00 public beta 12 is out. A few notes on the engines:. Jet engine thrust at low N1 should be fixed; you should no longer have to kill the ground crew to taxi around the ramp. If you find weird jet engine N1 behavior, please report a bug ASAP!.

Reciprocating props will need to have their idles adjusted, perhaps a bit higher, particularly if your idle adjustment is. Only if it’s badly set up. From my experience, I can run a 172P at low idle (throttle pulled out as far as it goes) with the carb heat fully pulled (to make it even worse) at about 450RPM or so for a while, and it won’t quit.

This is terrible for the spark plugs, and I assume after some time the plugs would get so terribly sooty that the engine does in fact quit then. If the engine quits as part of the runup “throttle idle & carb heat on” test, that is a sign that the idle setting is too low, the idle mixture too richt, or a magneto timing is off. First let me apologize for the barrage of posts, and forgive me the double post, I don’t know how that happened. Anyway some more testing done and some interesting observations with regards to electrical systems, with the avionics switch on (generator and battery switches off) and no external power, and no engines running, the avidyne panel, the autopilot switches and indicators, and some radio selector switches remain powered on, which shouldn’t be.

X Plane Crj 200 American

The lighted brakes indicator also illuminates with no power and no electrical switches on at all. When I re-enabled the plug-in even stranger things happen, could the problems be related to the saitek panels plug-in?, apparently when the plug-in is enabled the battery and generator switches appear to actuate the avionics switch as well, regardless of that switches physical position.

In any case I suspect something very strange is going on here with the electrical systems. Could this also be tied to engine idle fall off? Because apparently the generator cuts out before it should when the idle is beginning to fall off. I don’t know what the minimum RPM is before generator cut out. Another interesting phenomenon happens if the starter is engaged without batteries on but engine and generator running, all the electrical systems go dead as if the power was shut off but the starter does not engage either.

Is this intentional? With engine still running, generator switch to on hit the battery switch and the starter can be engaged with the engine running and the electrical system doesn’t go dead.

Curiouser and curiouser. I’ve had a look at this with Bill (Xsaitekpanel’s author) and here’s what we’ve found out so far:1) Xsaitekpanels at no point touches navtype (not even close), so the effect must be some sort of interlock with other datarefs and/or maybe some of CRJ-200’s internal code.2) No other aircraft tested seem to exhibit this. Tried the AirfoilLabs C172, Carenado B1900D, CT210, F33 and V35.3) It seems the interaction happens while the CRJ-200 is being loaded and Xsaitekpanels controls the avionics switch (avionicspoweron).

X-plane Crj 200 Update

X-plane Crj-200 64-bit Update

Crj for x plane 11

If the physical switch is on, then Xsaitekpanels keeps avionicspoweron=1. It appears, the CRJ-200 is trying to lower the value to ‘0’ (maybe to sync it to its VC?), but Xsaitekpanels is preventing that. That’s when stuff goes haywire and navtype gets inexplicably reset to ‘0’.Does any of this sound familiar? We’re honestly scratching our heads here, because it’s really not making much sense to us. Seeing as you have more direct access to X-Plane’s and CRJ-200’s underlying code, your input would be appreciated in helping us work this out.


Right now all we can do is ship a workaround config with Xsaitekpanels that just disables the hardware switch on the CRJ-200 and that’s just a bummer for users. “Please stop stepping on other plugins’ logic.”I agree, if and only if the aircraft plugin does its best to use the default datarefs and commands!Xsaitekpanels, XHSI and other hardware and software cockpit component builders have the same problem: custom aircraft plugin logic that is separate from default logic, without any attempt of fallback.I have seen a case for example where the navigation display map range selector in the virtual cockpit changes the default dataref, but not the other way round. All external hardware or software navigation display map range switches will be inoperative.Another example is the flight plan of the custom FMC not being copied to the default FMS flight plan, even not a simplified copy.If the CRJ200 has its own logic for the avionics power, then it is OK to ignore the position of the dataref for the switch, as long as the dataref for the actual presence of avionics power is correctly updated.Cockpit builders are clearly a target for X-Plane, so the aircraft authors would do well to do that too. I think the C172 isn’t serious looked at the trim behaviour, filed this as a bug but never looked serious at. Again guys look at aerodynamics! No elevator controll inputs should hapen when moving just the trimwheel!

Always erratic trim characteristics right now we should not fly an aircraft by trimwheel that is bad habbits. Is it that difficult to program an antiservo tab with its charactristics for an aircraft in X-Plane!? Sim anthusianst don’t care about such they are happy to fly what ever they fly as it looks just good and yhink it is normal, but we realworld student and pilots know that X-Plane can not be trimmed in a way we experience in the real aeroplaneAt the point in the checklist you should check for freedome of movement flight controles, look back to the elevator hold full aft yoke look to the trimmtab and move your trimwheel back and forth, see the elevator moves with it. Is not ok.just the trimtab should move. Specific commands to actuate the left and right brakes are gone in v11. Instead we auto-toe-brake with rudder/tiller IF you don’t have hardware brakes.DATAREF access to the brakes will come back before we go final, but with the caveat that plugins that want to control the toe brakes will need to set an override in v11 (as opposed to v10). This is needed to hand over toe brake authority from x-plane to the plugin.If you were able to assign a toe brake axis using x-plane’s built in mechanism in v11 until now, please file a bug.If you are using a third party add-on for toe brakes, that add-on will need to be updated, and cannot be updated until we address the brake datarefs.I’m hoping to have the brake datarefs sorted out in the next beta.

Ben,I have submitted a bug report on the intermittent problem of the 430, 530, and some glass avionics not powering up. This non-power up is random in regards to aircraft, and occurs with no rhyme or reason. If they do power up they work just fine.My Question is, besides log.txt what other files or screen shots could I submit that would help Laminar determine where the trouble may be?Does log.txt need to be submitted on each aircraft when the trouble occurs?

Its pretty much all default with 430/530 & FMC. Couple of 3rd party but will concern myself with default for now.Thanks. Maybe not quite on point with beta 12. I just installed beta 13 and I definitely now start with engines running in idle. That’s good.However, there are still weird things happening with the Airbuses. Flightfactor’s A350 has no thrust (i.e.

No reaction to throttle) and engines stay idle. No reaction to flaps, MFD in the middle console is black. If you choose a scenario to set the plane in flight (like “get me lost”) the avionics goes wild and turns itself on and off at random.Peter Hager’s A321 also no reaction to throttle and the engines remain idle.